Image description: A bottle of Ibuprofen containing 1000 tablets.

(Originally published earlier today on

    264 months ago

    Am American. This many pills would expire long before the bottle was even close to being empty. I maybe take ibuprofen maybe once or twice a year.

      • DacoTaco
        244 months ago
        1. ibuprofen is addictive, in my country they are a prescription only medication because of this. Paracetamol on the other hand, is available off the counter
        2. too much ibuprofen or paracetamol is bad for you. Youre poisoning yourself
        3. never, ever, take that much pain killers unless you have a known condition and the doctor agrees. You could be hiding something else by using the painkillers
        4. i feel bad for you. Is the headache that bad? I usually ignore those but i have a high pain tollerence :)
        24 months ago

        I fortunately do not get headaches often. I usually get them when I stop drinking caffeine for a day or so. When I do get headaches, I take acetaminophen.