It’s definitely an issue that’s not going away. The DNC really needs to figure it out and stop pretending that it doesn’t matter to voters.

  • Flying Squid
    45 months ago

    Why does it have to be these 5 specific people?

    Because those are the five who are running and no one else has said they want to run.

    Voting for someone who doesn’t want to run for president in the first place does not sound like a good plan.

      15 months ago my friend, he’s running. So are Phillips and Williamson, and so too would be O’Rourke, Newsom, and other high profile dems if the DNC were holding a primary in good faith. They’re not.

      Of course, you won’t ever hear about political outsiders on the left in corporate media, other than perhaps occasional opportunities to denigrate them and their ideas. This is because those are real populists who would enact meaningful change, ending the terrible and corrupt system under which the vast majority of us are suffering. The same system by which the multinational media machines make their billions in ad revenue and control the narrative in near totality.

        • Flying Squid
          45 months ago

          Ha. I didn’t even know he was born in Turkey to Turkish parents.

          So basically he’s an intentional spoiler.

          Wonder who’s paying him?

          15 months ago

          He is eligible, read the 14th amendment. This is already settled case law in lower courts, and his case to finally settle the question of equality for him and 25mil naturalized citizens is now pending in higher courts.

            35 months ago

            He absolutely is not eligible, as he is not a natural born citizen of the United States, a constitutional requirement he does not meet. Supreme Court precedent has upheld this in rulings on the 14th amendment. If at any time in your life you were not a U.S. citizen - something which is indisputably true for Cenk - you cannot be president of the United States.

            This guy is a clear spoiler intended to disrupt American elections, and you’re either a bad faith actor complicit in his fraud or a pitiable rube who’s been taken in by his song and dance.

              15 months ago

              Look I’m not a constitutional scholar, but here is a great article from someone who is that explains why Cenk had a good case. Is he likely to win with this particular Supreme Court? Probably not.

              But he is running, and he maintains actual leftist populist values which aren’t seen from any of the other candidates. So yeah, he’ll get my vote before the guy enabling actual genocide today.

                35 months ago

                Your argument is essentially, “Don’t vote for the incumbent polling with the highest chance of winning against Trump, instead vote for this literal no name candidate you’ve never heard of! Sure he doesn’t meet the most basic requirements for the office, but there’s this article here where it says he has a case in a court, so go ahead and throw your vote behind him!”

                What absolute irresponsibility to be pushing this kind of bullshit when Trump is on the ballot.

      • Flying Squid
        25 months ago

        If they’re not holding the primary in good faith, then I guess it doesn’t matter who is challenging Biden and you’ll be stuck with Biden. I mean obviously you could vote third party or abstain to help Trump win…