Thankfully Jonathan was able to take it to an independent repair shop for a $75 CAD adhesive fix (and battery replacement?) despite Apple’s restrictions against them.

    8 months ago

    Really? So its is the same if a company forces you in a walled garden with a company that lets you install anything. Is the same you pay premium price for product other companies offer half the price. Is it the same that company create tons of electronic waste because they refuse to have a charger that is compatible with other electronic devices?
    The list can go on and on for crap that apple pulls. So cut the bullshit ok. The only idiot here is the you the apple fan boy who can not see his beloved company being criticised.

      8 months ago

      Pal, grow up. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

      And shut the fuck up with the apple fan boy bullshit. I would say the same thing to someone shitting on whatever phone you use.

      The fact that you can’t imagine this not being an Apple vs everyone argument (because like I said, and I will say again, THEY ARE ALL BAD) makes this argument pointless because you clearly lack the skills to have an intelligent conversation.

      Have a fantastic life and stop talking to me. Thanks in advance.

        7 months ago

        Ok my last to thank you for proving to me that you are complete idiot who has no idea what he is talking about, without any arguments just screaming they are all bad. Maybe you should read up about choosing the lesser evil you dumb ass. I already agreed with you that companies are bad. And maybe learn to constructive arguments instead repeating the same thing over and over again like a child. But you are idiot so I can’t expect from you.