Put a gun to your head and pull the trigger = going to Hell

Free solo a mountain and lose your grip and die = going to Heaven or Hell?

Getting addicted to Fentanyl and dying = going to Heaven or Hell?

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
    8 months ago

    Intent matters I think. Jesus did say we’d be judged by our hearts first. A risk taker is someone who doesn’t plan the negative outcome but is reckless while someone who self-harms specifically plans it, yet even then I wouldn’t say suicide leads to Hell (which isn’t fire and brimstone in any canon, mind you, note that the additions of Paul and other associates should be considered non-canonical if they contradict with Jesus, even the Neostoicism movement knew that with the Stoics). You might say it’s the reckless people who should be more worried about Hell than those who self-harm. God couldn’t not understand the struggle of his genuine humans, and one thing I can confirm is suicide is definitely not a form of “blaspheming the holy spirit”, because for a pope to say that is so much of a stretch of things that it ends up opening the way for so much we normally do in life to fit, including martyrdom itself (we actually have a local saint, or saint-to-be, in my area of the world who self harmed quite a bit, and there’s a push to make her the saint of such strugglers).

    If you are self-harming, we’ll pray for you and help how we may, and if someone you know is, do the same for them. I myself am both accustomed to how this part of life feels as well as know such people, one such person coming to mind now who I won’t turn down praying about.