Demon Days by Gorillaz

Silent Alarm by Bloc Party

Metallica (Black Album)

    45 months ago

    Hard disagree on Rush’s 2112 being peek, if anything that album was the start of one of the greatest streaks in music history. They did like 4-5 excellent albums after that. Personally if I were to rank Rush albums, I’d put Farewell to Kings above 2112, maybe hemispheres too if only for La Villa Strangiatto. Not that I don’t love 2112, but relative to the other albums in that streak I think it’s a little tiny bit overrated

      25 months ago

      Agreed. Peak Rush is Hemispheres (Circumstances is possibly the best rock song ever written) for me, but really I love almost everything from Fly by Night to Grace Under Pressure. That’s 8 albums I can easily listen to front-to-back.

      Whelp. As I typed I realized I forgot about Caress of Steel. I suppose that says something…