Okay let me start with two heavy hitters right from the get go and don’t forget these are only personal oppinions and I absolute understand if you like those games. Good for you!

Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Not a bad game per se, but I don’t get the hype behind it. Sure the dungeons are fun but the world is so lifeless, the story non existent, the combat pretty shallow, the tower climbing is very much like FarCry but for some reasons it’s okay here while Ubisoft gets the blame…like I said I dont get why the game is so beloved. Never finished it after the 20 hour mark and probably never will.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Just like Zelda not a bad game, but imho highly overrated. Graphics and and atmosphere are amazing but the controls are clunky and overloaded, nearly everybody is an unlikable douchebag who I would love to shoot myself at the first opportunity (maybe except Jack and Abigail) but I have to root and care for them. The game is just so long and feels very stretched, you already know that you won’t get Dutch because it’s a prequel and for an open world game you often get handholded in your weapon selection or things you can do because you have to wait for them to be unlocked by the game. I’m now nearly done with the game, playing the epilogue at the moment and I would say the last chapters are more entertaining than the rest of the game, but I still can’t understand why this game was on so many game of the year lists and I really wanted to put the controller down a dozen times.

So there they are, two highly controversial oppinions by me and now I’m really curios what your takes are and how highly I get downvoted into oblivion 😂

  • MamboGator
    265 months ago

    Most Mario games in general. I can play Mario Kart or some of the sports games with friends if someone else chooses them, but the singleplayer Mario games just aren’t fun to me. The only exception is The Thousand Year Door. I tried the other Paper Mario games and none were as good.

    I also agree on BotW. Nintendo was chasing the survival game trend and I guess it paid off for them, but I find the world empty and boring, made worse by the dull colours in the art style. The worst part is the durability system. If there was a way to repair items it might be okay, but everything is like tissue paper. Even higher end weapons are gone after a few enemies, so eventually I just started avoiding combat entirely. I’m certain they did that and kept it that way in TotK because they couldn’t think of anything else to reward players with for exploring their empty world.

      • MamboGator
        5 months ago

        Yes. I don’t mean it has a piss filter like Xbox 360 games. I mean the lighting washes everything out. Compare this screenshot to one from Wind Waker or Skyward Sword.

    • Cloudless ☼
      55 months ago

      I would highly recommend that you give Super Mario Galaxy a try. Just the soundtrack alone is worth the time.

      • MamboGator
        45 months ago

        Galaxy is actually the one I was playing when I realized I don’t like Mario games. I got about halfway through it, decided I wasn’t having fun and turned it off.

    • the post of tom joad
      45 months ago

      There is still item durability BUT! it is “fixed” by the addition of a weapon creation system. Now monster parts that drop can be slapped onto whatever weapon you find on the ground, making every (still breakeable, disposable) weapon less important than the monster part. You can even (a bit later) save your badass monster parts from breakage and reuse them. Furthermore your can immediately see what monster part will drop (its on their heads) which saves unnecessary farming and serves to show the enemies strength at a glance.

      • MamboGator
        105 months ago

        Insert comic of the guy in a staff meeting suggesting they fix complaints about durability by adding a simple repair system like every other game and Miyamoto throwing him out the window.

      • @jacksilver@lemmy.world
        85 months ago

        I mean, TOTK is almost copy pasted BOTW. Yeah there are some new mechanics, but it still has all of the flaws of BOTW.

        Crafting and the building mechanic add some fun, but the farming required for all of it is tedious (and I even used duplication glitches for items).

        Itll be curious to see how people’s opinions of BOTW change over time because I think it took Zelda in a bad direction (unfocused gameplay with simpler puzzles).