• SharkEatingBreakfast
    186 months ago

    I had a friend who truly believed in the whole “soyboy” thing and touted that people with “low testosterone” or who do “girly things” aren’t “real men”.

    This motherfucker was the most unlikable, insecure, lonely man I’ve ever met. I was his only true friend until I finally got sick of the radical horseshit he began to openly support.

    Don’t take the opinions of stupid people with any value.

    • R0cket_M00se
      26 months ago

      They’re always skinny-fat, too. Like if you were a meat titan or something I might consider the “Low T” argument at least logical. But when you’re smaller than me and think your political affiliation makes you more masculine… Well.

      • SharkEatingBreakfast
        6 months ago

        Nah. This dude was almost 300 lbs. One time whined to me about how liberals are going to try to “force the normalization of eating bugs in the US!” Like… okay…? What?

        I hit a breaking point eventually when he tried to be clever by not directly answering my questions about his ideology. I finally just said “This isn’t a court of law, jackass. Just answer the damn question with a yes or no.” Fucking coward couldn’t even do that.

        In the end, there’s nothing more shameful to them than being compared to a woman. Which says a whole damn lot about their core beliefs.
