I really do like KBin and Lemmy and the fediverse on the whole, but development is still young and the userbase still growing. KBin is still basically early access, and Lemmy is buggy. I spent alot of time in reddit and I’m feeling the pain of trying to ween myself from it. Just wanted to here community perspectives and see how other’s are taking it.

For me, I feel a bit of a sore hollow spot for what reddit used to be and watching it implode is not fun for me.

  • livus
    1 year ago

    Until I got to the part about your country’s history of suppressing opposition, I thought you were talking about my country’s subreddit!

    We went through the exact same trajectory from being a small friendly place with meetups, getting bigger, becoming negative and political arguments all the time. In the end I stopped dropping in there at all.

    • HidingCat
      21 year ago

      Yea, it’s a shame. Thinking about it now though, maybe should’ve created a separate sub to dump those political posts to.

      • livus
        11 year ago

        Might have worked. They created one for my country, and also we could filter out politics on the main sub, but some people still just bring it up in other threads.