• @mannycalavera@feddit.uk
    47 months ago

    True. FPTP is utter trash, but look what UKIP did under that system to push their agenda. They only won one, maybe two, seats. Corbyn could force Starmer’s hand in the same way Farrage did. Why is that not a possibility?

    If we need radical left thinking back in our politics why have they effectively given up?

    • @frazorth@feddit.uk
      27 months ago

      Maybe it doesn’t have quite the support that the vocal group believes it does?

      Those at the top know this and would rather play in the Labour playground where they get noticed rather than languish in obscurity if they split off.

      UKIP had support on both sides of the fence, not just Tories, and had a strong narrative that they’ve been working on. Corbyn Labour does not.

      • @mannycalavera@feddit.uk
        27 months ago

        Maybe it doesn’t have quite the support that the vocal group believes it does?

        I believe they have… momentum on their side 😎.

        • @frazorth@feddit.uk
          27 months ago

          Ba dum cha!

          Maybe they do, I don’t know, perhaps it’s not that they fear that they would languish but find it easier to do what they do because they can concentrate on their core message?

          Either way, as a remainer, I don’t believe that it’s the same as UKIP as they were taking votes from both Labour and Conservatives, but for different reasons. The Tories managed to grab Labour voters by pandering to that crowd.

          Corbyn Labour hasn’t position itself as being a cross party concern so there is no benefit on being outside the party.