• donuts
    1338 months ago

    This dude gets more unhinged and desperate every passing day, but a huge chunk of Americans just can’t see it. It’s crazy.

    • be_excellent_to_each_other
      738 months ago

      I think a lot of them do see it, but he pisses off the libs and seems to be promising to hurt the people they want to be hurt, so they are OK with that.

    • TechyDad
      208 months ago

      For a way too large group, his being unhinged bigoted rants are a selling point, not a liability.

      For way too many others, they don’t care about his unhinged rants because he’s pledging to hurt OTHER people, not them.

      The former are bad, but aren’t enough to sweep Trump into power. The latter, though, could help Trump attain power and then will act shocked when they get targeted.