Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib refused to apologize Wednesday for saying on Tuesday that Israel is to blame for the hospital explosion that day in Gaza, an accusation that sparked political backlash against her from Republicans as Israel denies fault.

Tlaib joined thousands of protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza during a solidarity rally hosted by the left-leaning group Jewish Voice for Peace at the National Mall. She was visibly emotional, at times pausing her speech to openly weep and criticizing lawmakers who have not backed a ceasefire resolution.

    119 months ago

    Fuck what Hamas did. But that doesn’t give Israel the right to displace everyone in Gaza, drop bombs on them with reckless abandon with no regards to if there are innocent people there, and steal their land. Israel’s response to this is sickening. I don’t support Hamas, but I literally can’t support what Israel has done to, and is actively doing to the Gazan people in the name of fighting terrorism.

    Friendly reminder that Netanyahu actively sabotaged any peacetalks by literally supporting Hamas. He gave funds inappropriately to Gaza, purposefully knowing that the funds would reach Hamas. He literally fought against peace talks as he didn’t want a Gazan state.

    • Khalic
      39 months ago

      You know very well it’s the only army in the world that issues evacuation order to its bombing targets, losing an insane amount of tactical advantage. That’s not what indiscriminate bombing looks like. Check vietnam war footages.

      The situation is fucked up from both sides, yes Bibi is a palestinian hating monster. All those things can be true at the same time.

        59 months ago

        Is it?

        Check my next post where I detail how many Palestinian buildings have been destroyed. They gave everyone 24 hours and then just decimated the city. "Accidental rockets, bombs, and missiles are making their way over to civilian populations. Hell. There’s a video making the rounds on Reddit about a young, hysterical Palestinian boy who witnessed his friends head explode and his brains splattered on the ground after an Israeli missile.

        The IDF and Hamas are no different. Both are committing horrific atrocities. Don’t be fooled into thinking that they are morally justified in anything that they are doing right now.

      9 months ago

      displace everyone in Gaza, drop bombs on them with reckless abandon with no regards to if there are innocent people there, and steal their land

      This is a pretty one-sided and inaccurate description of the Israeli response

      I am excited at the idea of this tragedy blowing up in Netanyahu’s face and ending his career. We agree there

        109 months ago

        I don’t see how this can be anything other than a “justified” land grab. Theyve done this for years. Declared someplace as “state land” kick the Gazans out and then build settlements there (Source). This time, that have all the justification they feel that they need to rush in and take as much as possible - they will 100% never give that land back that they’ve taken. In order to make it more difficult and futile for Gazans to get their land back, Israel has been destroying Infrastructure there. So far, in their “War on Terror” they’ve destroyed 22,600 residential units, 90 education facilities, 18 places of worship, 19health centers, 20 ambulances, 70 industrial facilities, and 49 media offices (per United Nations - Oct 13th). Israel is using this war to destroy Gaza, not just Hamas, and it’s been supported by people like you.

        This is more than just a war on Hamas. This is why people like Tlaib are calling for ceasefires. What’s happening to the Gazan people in the name of “Fighting Terrorism” is absolutely criminal.

          29 months ago

          I can see why you like her, and it’s the same reason I am not a fan of you.

          Deliberate misrepresentation of facts is indefensible

            119 months ago

            How am I misrepresenting any facts? Pray tell.

            That is literally factual information. You seem to think that Israel is totally justified to do whatever they want and that “the ends justify the means”. Wanting to eradicate Hamas does not give Israel carte blanche to just eradicate Gaza.

              9 months ago

              The misrepresentation is in quoting figures of hospitals, schools, and civilians destroyed without reference to why Israel destroyed them. You have no idea what was happening there or what Israel’s military intelligence told them. You know this. Yet you argue against them. It implies your argument is irrelevant itself, because you already have a conclusion and will say anything to argue towards it. It’s fallacious. If you cared about convincing others of your cause, you wouldn’t need to misrepresent the facts. Instead, you would call for all to verify what you say.

              Israel has not leveled Gaza, which any other nation would have done by now. Israel has warned civilians for days now to evacuate to the south. They are starting to allow humanitarian aid. None of this is what you would do if you’re there to genocide people.