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Some interesting data analysis here. I’ll pose the same question as the author:

…by majority vote, Australians have made clear that a constitutionally enshrined Voice to Parliament is not how they want to respond to these crises.
An urgent question emerges — what is?

    29 months ago

    Australians are profoundly simple. Go through this thread and take a look at all the nit-picking around our ‘totally not racist’ claims; it basically boils down to “we let wealthy people come here so we can racially vilify them for political expedience”.

    more then 60% of the country just voted along purely racist lines. we are racist, very racist. people coming here should be forewarned.

    • AngrilyEatingMuffins
      19 months ago

      I really liked Kath and Kim but are you telling me that their depiction of the average Australian is correct? yikes.