Over 100 Israelis have died and more than 900 were injured after rockets were fired from Gaza by Hamas militants, Israeli officials said Saturday.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said 198 were killed in Gaza and at least 1,610 were injured Saturday in retaliatory attacks from Israel.

“We are at war. We will win,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday.

The Israeli Defense Forces earlier declared “a state of alert for war,” according to a statement issued by the IDF.

“Over the past hour, the Hamas terrorist organization launched massive barrages of rockets from Gaza into Israel, and its terrorist operatives have infiltrated into Israel in a number of different locations in the south,” the IDF said early Saturday.

      • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
        209 months ago

        Seriously, I can sympathize with the frustration up to the point where suddenly murdering civilians is ok when “the good guys” are doing it.

        Material conditions my ass, if it’s wrong for one it’s wrong for all.

        And before any Hamaboos show their asses,

        انا امريكاني فالاسطيني، جدي كن من بيتلحم،

        My kin are not your shield for endorsing the same acts you hold up to demonize those you hate you Bougeyevik hypocrites.

      • @Skates@feddit.nl
        39 months ago

        I’m sorry to say, but this is how guerilla warfare goes. Sometimes civilians are casualties.

        Did those civilians do anything to deserve it? Usually no. In this case though, they did. Some were already there, and they were responsible for starting the civil war by accepting to split the country. Others weren’t there, but came after that - trampling on another country’s ashes and disregarding its original citizens.

        What are you going to do when civilians move into your home and declare it is theirs? Consider them civilians? Consider them innocents?

      • @steveman_ha@lemmy.world
        69 months ago

        How many of the “terrorists” (the Islamic ones, not the Judaic ones) were actually from the oppressed populations, though? There are a lottttttt of people in that region that hate the Israeli government…Not sure how many of the displaced peoples you’re telling “this isn’t the right way to avenge violent state oppression” are actually participating in the fighting.

        • @jj4211@lemmy.world
          99 months ago

          He didn’t tell any of the non participants any such thing… His statement obviously refers to those commiting the acts, not generalized to everyone.

          That perspective does not excuse Israel’s behavior or blame any victim of Israel’s injustice, it simply points out the attacks are terroristic (meaning targeting civilians). Terrorists often have sympathetic reasons, but go about it in a way that is wrong.

          • @SwampYankee@mander.xyz
            29 months ago

            The Ottoman Land Code of 1858 is a good place to start. Essentially much of Palestine was misappropriated to Ottoman bureaucrats and the Ottoman state. The Jewish National Fund purchased portions of this land and leased it to Jewish settlers who kicked the Arabs out with the cooperation of their Ottoman landlords. Legal, but unjust, and I have to imagine most of the Jewish settlers were as ignorant as the Arabs were to the fact that their land had been sold out from under them.

      • @PotatoKat@lemmy.world
        49 months ago

        The Jewish people who were brought to Palestine in the 40s were not being exterminated by the Palestinians. The Jewish people illegally collected guns while they were there and forced the Palestinians out of their homes and their country.

          • @PotatoKat@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            How much further back is a “little further”? My grandmother was one of the people who fled in 1948. The place her grandparents also lived. You’re talking about what 300 years ago? 400? More? Forgive me if I care very little about a claim to a land that is older than Shakespeare.

            I don’t care about a “historical claim” I care about the people who were living in the land and were forcebly ousted in a time frame where the people who were originally ousted are still alive.

            Also they were not “nomads” you fuckin racist. My great grandparents had land, a home, a community that were all taken from them.

              • @PotatoKat@lemmy.world
                29 months ago

                The 1914 deportations were of Russian Jewish people. If any Russians claim they have rights to the land then sure, I’ll buy that, but I don’t care for one’s religion and I don’t believe the Jewish people who were brought to Palestine in the 40s were of Russian descent.

                Only 1/3 of the population that was deported in 1917 were Jewish. The rest were Muslims and Christians and had nothing to do with religion. Under British rule all the people deported in 1917 were allowed to return. So they got their claim when they were allowed to return, it really is unfortunate how many died due to the conditions they were sent into, and I’m not defending the actions of any State.

                Russians being deported and people who were allowed to return makes those claims barely anything compared to the Palestinians who were ousted multiple times in the last 100 years and not allowed to return, with the ones remaining living in apartheid.

          • @steveman_ha@lemmy.world
            49 months ago

            Just curious, if some fascists came to your house citing historical claims to your land, how much would you care about the validity of that claim? How about when they burn your house down, kill your family, and arrest you for objecting? I truly, deeply would not give a flying fuck who lived nearby my house 300 years ago.

      • @Serdan@lemm.ee
        29 months ago

        Israel is doing a genocide. Palestinians fighting back are absolutely not doing the same crimes.

    • @arc@lemm.ee
      119 months ago

      Hamas are absolutely headbanging murderous zealots committing a lot of atrocities right now. But if you herd people up, deprive them of basic liberties, brutalize & kill a bunch of them, and steal their land at gunpoint and then you can hardly act all shocked that a bunch of them are radicalized and go on a rampage. Doesn’t matter if we’re talking what Israel has done to Palestinians or what the United States did to Native Americans. Maybe the lesson to learn here, is don’t do those things. But I expect that Israel will pound Gaza committing its own atrocities as payback and the same thing will happen again in another decade.

    • @SankaraStone@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Nah, man. If they cited all those things, or more importantly the complete stifling of Gazans’ ability to prosper or flourish today, that would be one thing. What did they cite instead? The desecration of the Al-Aqsa mosque. That is more important to them than the apartheid. Fuck Hamas. They’re accomplishing nothing more than the death of Palestinians and more suffering. And they just empowered the most right wing, unpopular government that Israel’s ever had, one that Israelis were divided against. Hamas and the Iranian regime need to be eradicated. They are hurting any chance at Palestinian freedom and equality and right to prosperity. And they’re just causing more and more every day normal Israeli/Jewish and Palestinian suffering. This Iranian regime supports the tyranny of the Syrian government over the Sunnis (and its use of chemical weapons against them), Russia’s terrorist attacks on civilians in Ukraine and the invasion of that country in general, the complete undermining of the Lebanese government by Hezbollah, and the complete overthrow of the Yemeni government by a similarly tyrannical group in Yemen. And it uses of rape and sexual violence and murder against men and women protesting the death of a woman caused by the morality police and the oppression of women by the regime.

      I think the only way to accomplish either a true one state democratic nation that honors Israel-Palestine as the home of Judaism or a two state solution, is boycott and divestment (because there is no way to peacefully protest and engage in civil obedience to achieve freedom and equality (they murdered a journalist and nothing came of it) and there’s no way to win militarily). It worked with the apartheid government in South Africa, and hopefully it will work with Israel.

    • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      As a side note, if you want to spot the Press that are at least trying to be neutral, you can see how they refere to the Hamas people that inflitrated Israel:

      • The neutral Press will call them something like “guerrilas” (same as, for example, they would refer to the FARC types in Colombia if they attacked a city), “militants” or “infiltrators”.
      • The biased Press will call them “terrorists”
      • @Imotali@lemmy.world
        19 months ago

        They are terrorists. That’s literally what they are. The fact that attacked an evil fascist state’s city doesn’t change that.

        • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          I’m happy that everybody who kills people to terrify the rest into doing what they want are consistently called terrorists.

          So both Hamas and the Israeli state.

          As actual and clear acts of “killing people to terrify the rest do what they want”, like bombing of hospitals, murdering of journalists and killing children throwing stones at the armored bulldozers razing their homes, all commited by one side, have consistently never been described as “terrorism” (even though they match the definition), it’s a pretty good indication of the bias by a media outlet when they now describe the entirety of the military incursion from one side and all its participants as “terrorism” even though they refrained to call actual acts of “killing people to terrify the rest do what they want” from the other side as “acts of terror” and those who executed them as “terrorists”.

          The unbiased thing to do is to consistently describe all “attacks meant to incite terror for the purposed of making the rest do what you want” (such as Hamas’ terrorists murdering people at a dance party, and Iraeli Army terrorists bombing hospitals and executing journalists and children) as “terror attacks” and those who executed them as “terrorists”.

          • @Imotali@lemmy.world
            19 months ago

            Israel can’t be called terrorism because terrorism must be—by definition—unlawful

            the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

            Emphasis mine.

            • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
              9 months ago

              As Israel did their deeds outside internationally recognized Israeli territory - so outside the internationally recognized jurisdiction of their courts - hence were Israeli Law does not apply.

              So those deeds were unlawful (no matter how much Israeli Law is rigged to say otherwise), and even by that twisted definition you selected of “terrorism” that defines it so that state-sponsered terror attacks on a nation’s own soil do not count as “terrorism”, Israel’s military attacks on civilians anywhere outside the internationally recognized borders of Israel (so including Gaza) for the purpose of intimidating the population are still terrorism because the Law that does apply there says they’re unlawful.

              • @Imotali@lemmy.world
                19 months ago

                Wars are by definition lawful. Sorry you’re wrong

                It’s also not a twisted definition. It’s the literal dictionary definition that all countries use when defining terrorism.

                And no, if war time acts were not lawful, all war is terrorism which it isn’t so again you’re wrong.

                • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
                  9 months ago

                  Sure, there is no such thing as the Geneva Convention and there are no such things as War Crimes and its all above board if the people controlling power in the country doing the deeds tell their parliamentarians to write down that “it’s all legit!” in their own country’s legislation.

                  • @Imotali@lemmy.world
                    9 months ago

                    War crimes are explicitly not terrorism by definition. If you need a basic high school education though there’s hopefully a public school near you. This subject and topic is covered under civics.

    • @5BC2E7@lemmy.world
      19 months ago

      What if it was a tornado? Do you still fight it to your last standing men or do you accept the fact that you can’t win?