alt text: A tweet by an AI generated dril clone called “drilbot_neo” that reads: oh youre worth $200 million?? im work 0 million and im going to beat you to death" originally published on 28 January 2021.

    • @Mr_Buscemi
      89 months ago

      Oh yeah it’s gotten toxic there too. I get linked to reddit stuff a lot by friends so I sometimes read the comments. People are so angry there.

      It began getting more intolerable in June before all the bullshit happened. Can’t imagine how it would be to just use Reddit alone now.

        • @Mr_Buscemi
          9 months ago

          That site really brought the worse out in people lol. I actually had a user curse me out in modmail because I removed a post of theirs for animal cruelty. Had to quit modding there because my blood pressure was getting worse each time I opened the app. Actually got my blood pressure taken last week for the first time since June and it was super low, so I will always now say leaving Reddit did it lol.

          Lemmy in areas such as this or your instance are some of my favorite places on this site. No stress or users who want to cause issues with others.