Climate activists condemn oil giant for paying influencers to showcase marketing game from new gasoline campaign

  • eric
    9 months ago

    You’re confused. Allow me to elaborate.

    “Grooming” has been apolitically used for decades to refer to manipulation tactics that pedophiles use to convince children to perform sex acts. The right-wing recently began devaluing it by using “groomer” as a pejorative against people who aren’t pedophiles.

    Companies trying to covertly advertise their products to children are not “groomers” in the traditional pedophilic sense, so referring to them as such only serves to perpetuate this right-wing bastardization of the word, which in turn makes it much more difficult for people to take the word seriously when someone uses it to refer to actual pedophiles.

    • norbert
      9 months ago

      IDK, I take my dog to a groomer.

      People that manipulate kids into sex are child molesters and pedophiles.

      The rightwing loves to play games with semantics, we can do the same and not let them dictate the terms of the conversation.

      • eric
        29 months ago

        You’re still entirely missing the nuance.

        You take your DOG to a groomer, not your child, and what I’m asking is that we not apply the word groomer to people that influence children in ways that aren’t pedophilic in nature, which is what the right wing are doing by labeling drag queens and other LGBT people “groomers” whenever they have any association with children.