Regardless of your position in life. I don’t care if you are a coworker or a boss or just a stranger in a restaurant.

    • Another Catgirl
      210 months ago

      two more excuses:

      • there’s nobody around you, except you and your phone. Everyone else is too far away to hear.
      • putting on headphones is legitimately a bad idea at the moment, e. g. driving a car or a bike or while sharing any space with deadly machinery (cars, forklifts, construction equipment).
        110 months ago

        Counter point:

        Music is acceptable at a party within reason. Your first point is just a party of one.

        Secondly, of course music in your car is allowed. Still be considerate of the people in and outside of the car though. But that also comes under the first dot point.

      210 months ago

      Or you need to check Google maps cos you’re drunk and trying to find your friend in town who’s only a few feet away but you end up further from him because of said drunkeness and oh god I’m so hungover rn