Reposting this since the original got deleted (except on the instances where it was federated in time) when my beehaw account was erased alongside a week worth of data a few months ago.
Came across the image and thought “why not post again?”, I don’t know if I still stand by the meme, but frankly I don’t care…

I just want to schizopost
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  • @QuazarOmega@lemy.lolOP
    210 months ago

    Interesting, link to the extension?
    By the way, is that actually efficient or just a challenge? The editor result always seems so long and complex that I never bothered to try

      410 months ago

      I had do design a local user interface for an embedded system and our design language is very rectangular 😂 so just a bunch and with some CSS for color / font etc The icons, where designed by an external partner who works wit Illustrator where I just saved as SVG, snitched the and placed it with transform translate(x.x,y.y) and scale(z.z). I just searched SVG in VS code and took the first best one, let me check, Wait Yes, I think it’s this (I’m a bit sick, so not at my PC):

          10 months ago

          😄thank you for the link. I have that on my personal PC 😇 for work I have to use windows on a surface book 3. I’ll get an upgrade in 1 to 2 years and can buy this book for private use. Hope it makes a good linux tablet 😃 looking forward to that