Diablo 4, Path of Exile, and the rest of the ARPG genre has competition in the mega-ambitious Last Epoch, built by its Reddit community and heading towards 1.0.

  • CarlsIII
    510 months ago

    “Built by redditors” is a pretty huge knock against it

    • loobkoob
      510 months ago

      It was somewhat less of a knock when they first started making the game; it was a successful Kickstarter project ~5 years ago so it’s been in development for a while. For what it’s worth, I’ve got ~250 hours in the game and think it’s shaping up really well (you can find my not-so-mini-review elsewhere in this thread).

    • Gordon_Freeman
      410 months ago

      idk, at this point even “built by an amoeba” sounds better than “built by an AAA studio that cares about nothing but microtransactions”

    • Leshoyadut
      210 months ago

      They truly did pick the worst description for it possible. I’ve had a lot of fun with it, though. Pretty solid game for being in beta, and the devs seem decently in-tune with the community.