Sen. John Fetterman offered a message Wednesday to House Republicans considering impeaching President Joe Biden: “Go ahead, do it. I dare you.”

Speaking to reporters in his Senate office, the Pennsylvania Democrat suggested that the impeachment push by Republicans on the other side of the Capitol was meant to deflect from the mountain of legal problems facing former President Donald Trump.

“Your man has what, three or four indictments now?” Fetterman said. “Trump has a mug shot and he’s been impeached twice.”

“Sometimes you just gotta call their bullshit,” he said.

The first-term senator went on to say that a Biden impeachment "would just be like a big circle jerk on the fringe right,” and “would diminish what impeachment really means.”

Note: As pointed out by reddig33 in comments, this is an old photo. Here’s a couple examples of his new look.

    1110 months ago

    Trump and Clinton’s impeachments were so very different, absolutely.

    What’s funny is that the same Republicans flipped their positions. Old 1990s Lindsey Graham said that it doesn’t have to be a literal crime to impeach a president if they disgraced the office. (Clinton did commit a felony with the lying under oath part, although Republicans cared way more about the sex scandal at the time.) 2020 Lindsey Graham said what Trump did wasn’t a felony and therefore not impeachable. He’s one of the worst slime balls in congress and that’s saying something.

      310 months ago

      He’s one of the worst slime balls in congress

      No, you’re mistaken. I can assure you, Lindsey Graham has no balls.

      110 months ago

      Clinton did commit a felony with the lying under oath part

      That’s my point though. The legal definition they gave him to work with didn’t include what he did with Monica. What he did wasn’t ok, and I’m not defending him personally, but it wasn’t a lie by the legal definition of “sexual relations.” The GOP was just on a fishing expedition to find anything they could on him.

        110 months ago

        Baloney. What he did counted as sexual relations or “sexual relationship” as he testified to. Then he tried to claim that since he was merely pleasuring her and didn’t orgasm himself, it didn’t count. They had to drag Lewinsky back to testify further that Clinton was still lying.

        Clinton tried to split hairs to pretend he didn’t lie. It didn’t work.

          110 months ago

          since he was merely pleasuring her and didn’t orgasm himself, it didn’t count

          That’s not what happened at all.

          He claimed that she had sexual relations with him but he didn’t have sexual relations with her because the special investigator defined it based on who touched whose genitals.

            10 months ago

            That correction doesn’t make it any better. It’s still perjury and she still had to testify that he lied even under that definition.