Image transcript:

Calvin (from Calvin & Hobbes) sitting at a lemonade stand, smiling, with a sign that reads, “Trains and micromobility are inevitably the future of urban transportation, whether society wants it or not. CHANGE MY MIND.”

      1210 months ago

      100% depends on where you’re going and how far journeys are.

      For a small inner city area, a subway is great. For a larger urban area, a tram system. For intercity travel, trains. Out in a rural area, buses would be the way, although more remote locations would need government subsidies to be even remotely functional, and even then it may resemble on demand taxis rather than a scheduled bus service.

      No single solution will get you all the way there.

        610 months ago

        No single solution will get you all the way there.

        Except for the car, which is why it’s such a popular choice. Also no need to worry about catching the next thing, or buying the right tickets, you just get in and go.

        I haven’t heard of any solution or combination of solutions that would be convenient and work in most cities.

          10 months ago

          Yep there’s nothing else as good as having your own vehicle to freely travel wherever you want to on your own schedule and in relative privacy. The rest of y’all can enjoy your trains as much as you want, but there’s no train or bus that comes out to my house in the woods so I’m going to keep driving my car for the foreseeable future. After that it will probably be an electric SUV that I keep driving. I’ll charge my car from my solar power at home and be energy independent.

        110 months ago

        Subway is just giving space above ground for cars. Since there is no cars, you can just do trams.

        although more remote locations would need government subsidies to be even remotely functional

        Not that current roads to remote loctions are subsidised

      410 months ago

      What needs to happen first is fuel price needs to be so high that people are incentivized to

      a) switch to public transit no matter how shitty it is because they just can’t afford a car anymore
      b) start public transit companies because there is money to be made and the oil lobbies don’t have enough money anymore to lobby effectively

      My guess is before 2050 nobody will really get anything done because the oil lobby is just too powerful. Would be great though.

        510 months ago

        What needs to happen first is fuel price needs to be so high that people are incentivized to

        Absolutely. The fossil fuel industry recieves billions upon billions of dollars in subsidies every year. Why in the actual fuck are we still paying for something that is actively killing us? It makes no sense. All of the subsidies to fossil fuels needs to be re-routed towards public transportation and green energy.