Dumb Trump supporters raise mortgage rates, reduce money for Social Security and Medicare, and Make America A Laughing Stock.

    • @kroy@lemmy.world
      311 months ago

      except, in a conversation about moralism, it’s a bit like Mao, Stalin, and Hitler all sitting at a table and Mao and Stalin ganging up on Hitler and judging his actions as reprehensible

    • @RavenFellBlade@lemmy.world
      111 months ago

      Judging by your vernacular, you’re from the UK. I think the entire globe has something to say about the nightmares brought upon them by the British Empire. India and Pakistan in particular. Nothing the US has done comes even close to the outright chaos and bloodshed sown by the British in pursuit of global conquest. To quote the old PSA: We learned it by watching you. Except the US never quite had the stomach for for mass murder the way Britain has, so thankfully we’ve failed to live up to the legacy you’ve left.

      In your own parlance: Slag off, mate.

    • AphoticDev
      111 months ago

      No, but you should probably not still be perpetrating the actions you’re pointing out as problematic yourself. Now I don’t know exactly what country in Europe you’re from, but I’m willing to bet money you can think, privately in your head if you wish, of something your nation is doing right this moment that would probably fall under the same definition as the acts you rightly accuse us of. Am I right?

      • @jcit878@lemmy.world
        111 months ago

        what makes you think they are European? it’s actually very obvious what country they are from based on the phrasing alone