lol someone censored
Meine Meinung: Wenn ich höre, dass es 32.6 mal so warscheinlich ist, an einem Raser als an einem Attentäter zu sterben, bekomme ich das Gefühl dass mir das Angst vor Autos machen müsste. Die Verfickte AfD hat bloß gemerkt, dass mehr leute Auto fahren, als wichtige Beziehungen mit Ausländern haben, sodass mehr Leute wie ich aus “Kognitive Dissonanz”-Gründen ihre Angst vor Autos unter den Teppich kehren, als das bei Ausländern machen.
Die vage Definition vom “gefährlichen Ausländer” laut AfD trägt vielleicht auch zum Problem bei, genauso wie die überrepräsentation des Themas in den Medien. Ich finde übrigends oberflächlich, dass Rasertote ein gutes Beispiel für etwas sind, wo das Resultat für die Angehörigen ähnlich einem Attentat wird, und alles was noch fehlt, ist eine öffentliche Angstkampagne gegen das Auto. (Not Just Bikes fängt ja schon damit an (25% Sarkasmus))
I must be in the minority because I post so rarely that I don’t sign up when I ‘join’ the platform, I sign up when I want to post something. When I first wanted to post something, I just joined the instance it was going to be on. (Also because it’s queer, which I don’t tell you about for consistency). I also don’t care that much about not seeing what my instance has defederated. Or actually, not being able to comment on it, because I actually go on sometimes, without having an account there. I don’t really get it. The fact that my Instance technically requires an application might actually be a UX hurdle, but otherwise, you just click Sign Up, enter email, name, and password, and that’s it, right? It could be a UX problem that you miss out on content you don’t see, but you also already see a load of content that you’re not going to miss out on. Tutorials on how x-instance moving works might be cool though, if they don’t already exist. Making them more visible might limit the defederation FOMO.
diesen “Network State” reverse-propagandabegriff kann man voll schlecht im internet suchen. In dem Post nehmen die so halb an, das man weiß was das ist, während die anderen zusammenfassungen des Begriffs immer nur leicht utopisch klingen. Es ist ja nicht tatsächlich “eine online Community mit einigen Werten, die sich durch ihre eigenen Regelungen, Kryptowährungen, und Besitztümer ausdrückt”. Zählt das, wenn man die Regeln seiner Social Platform ändert um seine meinung hervorzuheben? Ist gemeint, dass der tech-Regierungs-Komplex der USA plant die Regierung durch irgendwas mit privatfirmen und Krypto zu ersetzen? (bei dem weg: ist das Haarspalterei, diese unterscheidung bei einer Trump-Regierung überhaupt zu untersuchen?)
the fact that two mostly unrelated consequences are tied together with “and” in the title had me laughing
I’m so sorry that some people in this thread have much worse nightmares than I have. I don’t recall having any nightmares that you might call visually grotesque.
When I was in High School, I apparently discovered that looking at a person signals interest in the person, and that it’s possible to look at something in this way on accident, or at least without conscious planning. From this I concluded into a mild obsession to basically be conscious of what I am looking at at almost every point in time. In hindsight, it feels kind of like the “you are now breathing manually” meme. This basically only happened with two people, along with it slightly reinforcing my bias against looking at girls, because I’m probably gay anyway, let them not get any ideas.* (this thought is completely stupid in any other way than being moderately considerate. it probably didn’t do anything anyway, because I’m not very socially active and had approximately 1-2 friends.)
*(I cultivate an off-internet bonus genre of brainworms where being asexual reinforces my faux-antiquated fear of being perceived as attracted to someone, which may or may not make sense)
thanks. I didn’t know that. I was duckgoobing with less nuance.
ich schieb sie einfach nach unten, dann kann der nächste sie zerschneiden
Ich find die aber schön!!
it even eggs aggregate
This is a very interesting topic. Because I know some of my detail knowledge about the world or my experiences really takes its time to remember itself properly, i can only say that I also don’t really care about my gender.
This but with the slightly more moderate neoliberal pseudo-friend adjacent I have at university
thats not how comedic timing works. You can’t just put that in the title. I would expect people read the title first. also I am slightly upset that cannibalism is framed as “evil” here, but you know, your opinion.
I like the Onion’s cartoons, but they’re also often confusing. At least for this one, I get what it’s trying to say, though the meta-ironic huge labels, extremely bad puns, (in this case also a rather incoherent speech bubble from the dad) make this a fun experience too. But other cartoons like also have meaning that I don’t get, or the godfather references or whatever. maybe others appreciate this complexity better. Is it because I’m too young, do they put references to old media often? The Godfather is from 1972. Also, do you think they’re doing this big literalness in the dialogue and the huge labels just to make fun of cartoons and how they influence what you think about the characters? Or is there some trend in other cartoons, where some Cartoons are seen as special for being very literal?
This speakers grammar based intonation and sentence structure is weird.