- don’t play any games on windows
- move
- only play like 2 games, still haven’t downloaded Steam
ich schieb sie einfach nach unten, dann kann der nächste sie zerschneiden
Ich find die aber schön!!
it even eggs aggregate
This is a very interesting topic. Because I know some of my detail knowledge about the world or my experiences really takes its time to remember itself properly, i can only say that I also don’t really care about my gender.
This but with the slightly more moderate neoliberal pseudo-friend adjacent I have at university
thats not how comedic timing works. You can’t just put that in the title. I would expect people read the title first. also I am slightly upset that cannibalism is framed as “evil” here, but you know, your opinion.
I like the Onion’s cartoons, but they’re also often confusing. At least for this one, I get what it’s trying to say, though the meta-ironic huge labels, extremely bad puns, (in this case also a rather incoherent speech bubble from the dad) make this a fun experience too. But other cartoons like https://theonion.com/stars-and-strips/ also have meaning that I don’t get, or the godfather references or whatever. maybe others appreciate this complexity better. Is it because I’m too young, do they put references to old media often? The Godfather is from 1972. Also, do you think they’re doing this big literalness in the dialogue and the huge labels just to make fun of cartoons and how they influence what you think about the characters? Or is there some trend in other cartoons, where some Cartoons are seen as special for being very literal?
not completely correct! 19
omg it’s the gender neutral version!
deleted by creator
the aesthetic drawbacks of just putting everything in the square hole might suffice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7haqnQvrYfI
the https://liberaldarkness.com/2015/08/01/fire-ants-are-being-laced-with-homosexual-chemtrails-to-bite-christians-and-convert-them-to-homosexuality/ page this and other humorous pieces were originally posted to is sadly gone
assuming that “strong independent woman” being in the title of the original post counts as someone saying it
Hermione Granger because I read so little fiction that this is the first woman (?) that comes to mind.
I’m too lazy to learn using it