Try LinkedIn, that’s where I got most of my jobs.
Developer, gamer and curious little wolf
Try LinkedIn, that’s where I got most of my jobs.
I never played Secret of Mana. I might give it a shot shortly!
Never knew about such accessory. Back in the day playing with 4 people must had been a lifelong experience!
Then maybe I’ll stick to the digital version. It just streamlines the experience and I can focus on what is important: meaningful strategic decisions :D
When I was a kid I liked to collect Panini trading cards of Dragon Ball and other mainstream TV shows from the time. To me, the form factor of a card is amazing:
This fascination for cards made me get into card-related hobbies as a growing adult, like cardistry, card magic tricks, Magic the Gathering, LOTR LCG, as well as collecting. I was motivated to intensively play card-related games (nowadays my favorite card games are Race for the Galaxy, Through the Ages and Slay the Spire, and keep collecting valuable cards from TCG games (until prices started to skyrocket, the point where I decided to leave).
For a long time, I stopped collecting, but about two years ago I wanted to collect cards again, which coincided with the apparition of Lorcana (which has beautiful cards of my favorite Disney characters). The problem? I was not willing to sink in an enormous amount money. Still, I wanted to have something special and meaningful to me.
What did I do? Easy, I created my own cards! I created a krita template (which I will share when it is polished), grabbed fanart and screenshots of my favorite movies, shows and videogames, and designed cards for them and printed them into my local printer shop. And the result was amazing, I learnt a lot in the process and it’s given me a lot of ideas on other kinds of cards I could print.
If you’ve reached this far, thank you very much for reading my story!
Oh I did that too with my dad, though my dad was not very gamer. Ken, alongside Ryu is one of the easier Shoto characters to play
If you search around you can find the English version of it. There is no button mashing, it’s a puzzle game after all where you play as a mole that moves rocks and digs below the surface to cross obstacles.
Wow, TIL! Melodice is amazing, thank you for the reference!
The wooden pieces of Quarto are really nice to touch, and create a very visually appealing game.
Played Race for the Galaxy (a tableau building game), Through the Ages (civilization building card game) and Slay the Spire (roguelike deck builder). I’m very into strategy card games and deck builders
Would you recommend the game? I’ve spent like 1000 hours in the digital version, even beating ascension 20 with all characters, and the appeal that I can play fast and quickly roll games draws me in (the same happens to me with Through the Ages)
Definitely a necessary move to avoid fake news. I wonder thought the applicability of this and how are they going to detect unlabeled AI videos and fine them.
Super Metroid is immersion at its finest, and the magazines back then were an interesting (and colorful) source of information.
Seconding this. I made A LOT of research and Amazon purchases trying to find the best earbuds that fit your description. Tried Redmi buds, soundcore A40 and Liberty 4 NCs, and the Liberty 4 were the most confortable and with the best sound, and the noise canceling is simply out of this world.
You can’t go wrong with them.
From a time when VR was not still a thing 😂
When I was a kid, I enjoyed Super Mario World, Yoshi’s Island, Super Mario All stars and Terranigma the most. As an adult, Super Metroid and Crono Trigger. Super Metroid case is especially interesting since the site Metroid construction contains a lot of romhacks that make the game replayable to no end.
I played the hell out of DKC, trying to reach 101% without guides (those weren’t easily available back in the day), searching every single level and astonished when I found a secret.
It was an amazing feeling and yeah, I had much more time back then.
This is not my full collection, but it’s a small altar I built and I’m proud of it.
I don’t play those cartridges (I use other means), but my favorite is Super Metroid (the site metroidconstruction has a good stream of mods so the replayability is endless!)
I don’t think so. A translation, if expressed as a patch (e.g. in IPS format) is just a piece of code, neither a homebrew nor a rom by itself. It doesn’t count as a rom.
Tetris attack is nice. If you had a Gameboy color, try Pokémon puzzle challenge, you’ll love it!