MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Two users in the same post, both throwing out smears and totally unable to back them up, both referencing a Sartre quote they clearly don’t understand while doing the very thing it criticises. What are the odds!?

    We’re being nice. As I said to the other user who tried to pull that, Sartre would have had you in tears:

    Sartre was a lifelong Marxist. A man who opposed the Nazi occupation of France, was happy to support revolutionary communist resistance groups, and was a prisoner of war taken by the Nazis. He wrote about the fact that the Soviet Union was a true revelutionary project working for the betterment of all mankind. He had his criticisms like we all do when it didn’t live up to it’s ideals, but unlike other nations he considered to be mostly disgusting bourgeois colonial powers, he didn’t ascribe it to an innate problem with the USSR. He called the US of the time “dangerously pre fascist”. He strongly condemned the US and South Korea in the Korean War. He was disgusted by the US involvement in Vietnam. Loathed the later French state for their oppression of Algeria. And on and on and on.

    You’d have called him a brainwashed, tankie, genocide denying, authoritarian, equivalent to the Nazis too. And he’d have fucking hated you and everything you apparently stand for in return.

  • I’ve been very careful to be fair in my other posts on this being a two way street that the majority of people here have been fine, especially those who just came in and said their piece regardless of whether I agree with it or not, like the thread was supposed to be for. I’ve had some great conversations with people here too and I dig your art comm. I’ll be contributing more to that I think, probably elsewhere too.

    I just meant to explain that Hexbear can sometimes seem really good natured in some instances and pretty aggressive in others it’s that we’ve put up with a lot of shit, even constant trolling, bigoted actual Brigades, DDOS attacks etc long before federation. We’re generally pretty welcoming so long as people come with an open mind and be sincere. But when we get hostility up front we tend not bother in the niceties or take any bullshit to put it bluntly.

    Anyway, it’s been good chatting with you. I hope this all works out.

  • Yeah, you’re definitely getting the broad strokes of it (and I didn’t give you much more than that). I get it’s a lot to take in all at once too.

    First part - yeah you get it and you can see clearly why that kind of false class that the right sometimes peddles to people like your parents is bullshit. It’s not for the benefit of them, it helps the rich who fund that kind of media keep the working class divided and not United against them. That’s why they have to invent enemies like Satanists or whatever. It’s the same way capitalists have always tried to break strikes (and still do) by trying to drive a wedge between different ethnicities in the workforce. It’s the same reason any real communist is so opposed to any form of bigotry, we’re workers regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender etc.

    Second part - you’re right, but we’d argue it goes much further than just the usual invasions and interventions as ‘the world’s policeman’. Its about the coups, the assinations, funding disinformation, sanction regimes, IMF debt, the dollar as global currency and plenty more. They use dozens of methods to bend the world to their will and punish those who step out of line.

    Third part - yeah, that’s it. Or sometimes just “this is the best realistic option, because the others are worse”.

    Fourth part - Yep, got it again.

    Fifth part - totally.

    Sixth - yeah basically. There’s various reasons we don’t that think that upper class has the incentive or ability to, one of them being that capitalists from all sides make a massive amount of money on war - so it’s good for them, but it’s not worth getting into all of them here.

    Seventh - even if you didn’t get the meaning of all the details, you understand the basics just fine. What you said was right again.

    And the end bit, you got it spot on. I’m really glad it was clear and understandable.

  • And here we go again, the false equivalences between Nazis and communists. We can’t be trusted on what we say so defending or explaining our positions is proof. Not doing so is proof. Reacting to such obvious hostile, bad faith attacks is proof.

    It’s particularly gross to use that quote, since clearly you don’t know anything about the man who wrote it but are happy to smear his memory and intent to win internet points and minimised the horrors of Nazism.

    Sartre was a lifelong Marxist. A man who opposed the Nazi occupation of France, was happy to support revolutionary communist resistance groups, and was a prisoner of war taken by the Nazis. He wrote about the fact that the Soviet Union was a true revelationary project working for the betterment of mankind. He had his criticisms like we all do when it didn’t live up to it’s ideals, but unlike other nations he considered bourgeois colonial powers, he didn’t ascribe it to an innate problem with the USSR. He called the US of the time “dangerously pre fascist”. He strongly condemned the US and South Korea in the Korean War. He was disgusted by the US involvement in Vietnam. Loathed the later French state for their oppression of Algeria.

    You’d have called him a brainwashed, tankie, genocide denying, authoritarian, equivalent to the Nazis too. And he’d have fucking hated you and everything you apparently stand for in return.