• ctkatz@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    people misspeak. all the time. even people who are paid to talk for a living. it happen. so biden said a wrong name. it wasn’t malicious and nothing of serious consequence took place and I don’t think it’s a biden issue mainly because biden has never made his cognition or other mental capacities an issue.

    why is this different than from when trump does the same thing? trump has made his mental capacity a central part of his campaign. in effect, mental capability of the candidates is only an issue for one of the candidates, and it’s the one who always brings it up. it’s exactly the same as someone who makes (white christian) morality a central part of their legislative history and then it’s found out that they have a long-term homosexual affair. no one cares they have a gay lover but since they make an issue about it people care that this specific person has an affair.