In an incredible display of just kind of saying stuff, 52-year-old liberal Isaac Shawn has announced that focusing on “trans issues” alienates the working class from the Democratic party, though he does not personally know a trans person, a working-class person, or anyone at the intersection of thes
I suspect the American left focused on LGBTQ+ issues because it was a “safe” mission.
Increasing official tolerance there was no threat to their donors or the wealthy in general. Nobody had to pay more in taxes or submit to meaningful government regulstion to enforce “don’t explicitly fire/assault/refuse to marry someone for being gay/trans”. Arguably those policies could have ecen come out of broader expectations for “stay out of people’s personal lives” rather than making special cutouts and declaring a marginal group.
Looks impressive, accomplishes very little. Pretty much sums up the Democratic party for the last 50 years.
I don’t know what “very little” means to you, but I have friends that are married with children, unlikely to face violence motivated by bigotry (location dependant, YMMV), and have legal protections from discrimination in housing and employment.
When I was a kid they could get fired or evicted with no recource, and if they had the temerity to poke their head out of the closet someone could kick their ass with impunity unless they were seriously injured or killed, and sometimes even then.
But sure, “very little,” let’s go with that.
You really hit a nerve there. lol.