• LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Going to go back to voice to text and cursing like a sailor cuz that’s what I’m used to. But I appreciate the sentiment and the agreeable conversation. 🤝

    To be clear. I’ve never said not voting is a good choice. I never want to hear non voters complain because their voice doesn’t matter cuz they don’t use their vote f*** them.

    What I am saying is calling out Biden for enabling genocide is valid and shouldn’t be instantly shot down and voting for third party is cool in non-swing States.

    Yeah I’m not saying anybody should roll over and roll that Trump win. I literally rather shoot myself. A vote for Trump is probably the worst thing you could do. I vote for the greens or the socialists or Cornell West on the other hand. It does some good. Not enough. Good to get us to where we need to be in this election but we can start the momentum now.

    • blackbelt352@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I agree with the sentiment and yes we do need to push biden to stop providing weapons to a genocidal state however this sort of purity shaming of voters isn’t going to convince anyone to vote against trump. Calling people genocide supporters for begrudgingly voting for the least shitty option is going to turn them off of voting. And this sort of purity testing is the kind of I fighting that conservatives love to capitalize on. I despise that the objectively “best” choice is maintaining the status quo vs an accelerated genocide. Call it rationalization, call it cognitive dissonance, the best strategic option I can come up with is voting against a worse genocide.

      And at the end of the day all this momentum building could very well be moot as Biden being in office is not a guarantee after this election.

      • LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        See I don’t think of this as “purity testing” because it’s genocide… You know? Like is there anything worse? Is there a worse thing that Biden could be supporting?

        When I think of purity testing , I think more of a situation like we’re finally going to pass socialized healthcare, but dental’s not included so let’s just hold up the whole thing. That feels like a purity test cuz it’s splitting hairs even if it’s in a very important hair. When it’s enabling genocide or not, there’s no hair to be split there. It’s just the worst thing you could do.

        The Dems not being able to not enable genocide or even really call it out is majorly hurting what their voter outcome is going to be. Regardless of anything I say or do that is just the case.

        I’m not going to blame the voters for that. But as we know, most people didn’t want to vote for Biden in the first place anyway. They were really voting against Trump so hopefully they’ll do it again this November. But the more I see Dems talk about how we just have to suck it up and vote for Joe. Anyway. The more I think that turns voters off.

        Which is where I think our ultimate disagreement lies. I believe that defending Joe and telling people they have to vote for him anyway, in the face of the said genocide Will lead to lower voter turnout and possibly hopefully not but maybe a republican win.

        I think a bigger strategy that gives people hope even if it’s in the long-term will encourage voter turnout and higher voter turnout is better for Democrats.

        Regardless, thank you for talking to me like a person and being cool. 🙂

        • blackbelt352@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          I appreciate the willingness to explore the thoughts deeper rather than turn it into a shouting match. At the end of the day we both want the same thing, stopping a genocide, but we have to work with the hand were dealt and we both have different ideas how to get there.