Image description: A nightjar like bird with bulging yellow eyes and tiny black pupils, sits on a log, with an open beak.

The eyes and beak in combination give the bird an amusing expression

    7 months ago

    Hah, yes, that’s definitely a good example. Those things are everywhere there’s a tree.

    I forget if I made friends with them before or after the blue jays during my work from home period. They both love the peanuts in the shell, so I couldn’t feed one without the other, and it’s fun to see them both be the first to the nut.

    I did gain the trust of 2 of them enough where they didn’t run when I opened the door, and I did get one to take a nut from my hand, but after it put it’s hand in mine to grab the nut and I got a decent scratch without it actually trying to hurt me, I went back to just tossing them. 😅

    They’re fun little things to watch and listen to, and they can be very graceful and hop like little furry dolphins, and other times they’re just obnoxious trying to rob my bird feeders blind or attempting to climb my siding or sliding door.

    I can tell them apart by their personalities though, they are definitely individuals, just like my jays are, and I’m glad I’ve gotten to know them.

    • AdaOPA
      7 months ago

      I love them! They’re like the naughtier, more energetic versions of our brush tailed possums

        7 months ago

        I went to watch some videos of the possums, and thinking of them in the context of squirrels, they felt excruciatingly slow! 😄

        They don’t have that springy weightlessness of a squirrel, and it felt more like watching a monkey.

        There were 4 squirrels in the back yard when I got home, so I gave them peanuts for about 20 minutes for you!

        I will mail you 2 squirrels in exchange for a kookaburra!