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Runtime Break start
3h 4m 1h 32m

Episode 1: Arrival at Kraghammer

Last we left off, to give you a little backstory. The party had completed a large venture in saving the nearby city of Emon. One of the central capitals of this human civilization of Tal’Dorei. They managed to halt a demonic insurrection within the throne and as such were greeted to a hero’s celebration and had a keep built in their honor.
Over the six month period of the keep being constructed, they went their own ways and then returned to see its final creation. However, they did not have a chance to really enjoy it immediately as one of their good friends and allies, Arcanist Allura Vysoren of the Tal’Dorei council came to them requesting their aid saying that a long time friend of hers, Lady Kima of Vord, who is a very well known and very well respected halfling paladin of Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, had been gone on a pilgrimage for a while, essentially a vision quest that is part of her own development as a paladin. As part of this, she let the information go to Allura that a dark vision had come to her saying that some sort of evil root is beginning to breed beneath Kraghammer and the mountains within Kraghammer, which is the nearby dwarven civilization that you guys have previously not been allowed entry to because the dwarves weren’t fans of nobody without any political means of entry. However, she managed to acquire the necessary documentation and offered you a very substantial reward should you find the whereabouts of Lady Kima of Vord and hopefully bring her back safely.
You left on the pathway to the dwarven citadel of Kraghammer. You were ambushed by a group of roaming barbarian goliaths. Part way through the battle, Grog managed to recognize one of them as a previous ally and no longer an ally at this time.
Yep, the barbarian for his first and only time so far managed to avert battle through a social encounter and rolled pretty damn well on a persuasion check. So you got one. You get one. You got your one. Never again. Which managed to not turn it into complete bloodshed. You continued on your way to Kraghammer, presented your paperwork, were given entry into the city and that is where we begin this adventure.

  • UltragrampsOPM
    7 months ago

    ♪Episode Song References♪ ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ



    • 00:36:46 “So many racist comments. Jeez!” - Marisha goes from ‘smile’ to vomit face
    • 00:41:20 Vex:“Lost cause. Abandon ship! Abandon ship!”
      Grog:“Right. I have an intelligence of 6, I know what I’m doing.”
    • 00:41:50 “That’s level ten when you get that, by the way. Throw Boobs.” - Matt
    • 00:43:50 “Why am I not talking?” - Sam
    • 00:44:05 “No touchin the drunk dwarf.”
    • 00:45:37 Orion:“I saunter over. ‘Hello! My name is Tiberius Stormwind!’”
      [audible groans] Travis:“We’re all gonna die.”
    • 00:47:35 “I can give you the finest of thistle branch, dark blood wine. This was crafted by myself, from a rare bloodthistle branch that i had brought over from the far-off city of Kamordah. This, I personally oversaw. It took me four years to fill this barrel full. It’ll cost you 500 gold pieces. But! It is a king’s red wine!”
    • 00:48:40 Travis:“We’ve got a bunch of dragon pieces… We’ve got 37 dragon teeth, one dragon eye, four cups of dragon blood…”
    • 00:50:00 Adra:“Really? Ooh, just walked in and they’re buyin’ fancy.” […] It’s a nice barrel. It actually has, like, a gold trim. The actual bands that hold the wood together is, in itself, gold. The branding on the side is ‘gold-leafed’ into the wood. It’s fine, exquisite, we’re talking, like, Top Shelf BevMo style, awesome Dwarven wine."
    • 00:50:50 The sad tale of Dork the Ox and how the team learned that the air runs out in the bag of holding.
    • 00:51:05 Laura:“The troll dick. Is that still in there or no?”
      Travis:“No, we actually got rid of the troll dick.”
    • 00:54:32 Vax:“Just a moment. Pike, you seem very distant. It’s very strange, are you all right?” (Ashley was at the BAFTA awards ceremony)
    • 01:05:30 #WhoreDwarf (play on Game of Thrones HODOR > ho dwarf)
    • 01:08:13 Matt:“Oh, that’s a dwarven rune!” (stomping)
      Sam:“That’s a good voice!”
      Matt:“I’ve been practicing my Tiberius.”
      Orion:“It’s close.”
    • 01:17:10 Laura:“Are we allowed to cuss?”
      Matt:“You are very much allowed to cuss. Isn’t that right, guys? Fuck yeah!”
    • 01:17:45 Historic Crit Moment: Laura rolls the first Nat 1 in the stream on a charisma check trying to convince the dwarves of Kraghammer that she will fight the armored bear that they’ve led into their fighting ring.
    • 01:19:32 Grog:“I got my money on Ballsack!”
    • 01:24:18 Historic Crit Moment: Marisha rolls the first Nat 20 in the stream on a performance check after shapeshifting into Trinket and performing a circus routine.
    • 01:46:46 Matt:“There was a cavern interaction with two male trolls that they had stealthed up behind as a party. I love explaining this to the audience. Tiberius then polymorphed into a female troll to try and ‘Bugs Bunny’ them, not realizing that trolls don’t encounter female trolls often enough to have a one track mind. And so he nearly go thimself in a very bad situation. That was remedied by the party attacking and Vex over here shooting off the troll’s dick. Which then went into the bag of holding, which is disgusting.” #NotAllTrolls
    • 02:01:45 #GnomishDeuce
    • 02:25:02 Matt:“Everyone roll initiative.” [cheers]
    • 02:34:34 First time Laura forgets about her Hunter’s Mark
    • 03:00:23 Historic Crit Moment First time Matt asks “How do you want to do this?” Also Sam’s first kill including their home game. #ShitsOnTable