• AshDene@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Ugh, and 10A somehow also hasn’t been banned yet (and a quick check to his profile shows that he isn’t just still making bad-faith arguments about “free speech” but is also still spreading xenophobia, fake news about the last election, and so on).

    I’m out. Anyone know of a kbin (not lemmy) instance with reasonably good moderation?

      • Destragras@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        This makes me wonder if adding some temporary restrictions to creating magazines here (based on account age or activity?) would be worth it to potentially help slow down ones like this being made (and to help slow down magazine squatting?).

      • AshDene@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        And my comment. In a private window I can see that he replied to my comment as well, despite the fact that I blocked him, so blocks are still not working properly apparently.

        • Laticauda@lemmy.ca
          1 year ago

          No you don’t. If you did you wouldn’t support giving terfs and fascists a platform. They use those platforms to erode and destroy free speech systematically.

            • urist
              1 year ago

              Freedom of speech means the government can’t suppress your speech. We have this in place to protect everyone from anyone who wants to use government to suppress speech.

              The speech you are “supporting” amounts to “Those minorities disgust me, I don’t think they should exist/have rights”. Some TERFers are going to support removing the freedom of speech from Transpeople. You’ll have trouble finding one who will state it directly, I imagine, but transphobes everywhere are working diligently to marginalize trans people, or even incite violence against them.

              No private citizen (read: people who host kbin/lemmy servers) is obligated to host/platform/listen to anything. I certainly wouldn’t host TERF opinions if it was my server. I wouldn’t allow it at my dinner table. We must be intolerant of the intolerant to protect those whom the intolerant seek to attack.

              It doesn’t mean I think the government should start suppressing TERF views, that’s not their place. This is what freedom of speech means.

                • urist
                  1 year ago

                  And once freedom of speech is abolished, goodbye kbin

                  Then wish it goodbye then, because even under it’s current operation this does not exist. Doing things like posting specific threats (threatening shootings, bombings), doxxing users, illegal porn, and other various behavior is still speech, we just all agree it’s harmful.

                  I am going to descend into hyperbole for a minute, apologies. I think it’s necessary because in my opinion you are already being hyperbolic. If Kbin.social chooses to ban this magazine, will you personally go fight kbin.social to unban it? Will you show up to this admin’s house with the intent to persuade them? You said you’d fight and die, gladly, for what you see as free speech, so would it apply here? I don’t think you would. This is why I am confused about whether you’re speaking about the first amendment or not. When we start talking this way I can only assume you are speaking about fighting against a fascist government, because I don’t think you mean to literally go threaten someone.

                  I support the idea that anyone should be able to say mostly whatever they want as long as they’re not advocating harm for other groups of people. I also support instances moderating things they don’t want to see on their platform. If a platform is too restrictive, I’ll leave, sure. I will point out you’re working awful hard to fight for a group a lot of other people think are deeply harmful to marginalized groups.

            • Laticauda@lemmy.ca
              1 year ago

              Uh, no, that’s not the point of free speech. The point of free speech is that people can’t be arrested for saying something the government doesn’t like. That’s it. Free speech does not mean that anyone is entitled to a platform, and it never has. It doesn’t mean people have to tolerate shitty beliefs and treat them as equal to any other. It doesn’t mean that you can just say whatever you want wherever you want without being told to get the fuck out. People like you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what free speech is and what its purpose is, and as a result you roll out the red carpet for fascists and the like so they can walk all over you.

                • Laticauda@lemmy.ca
                  1 year ago

                  That’s a nice flowery and poetic concept of free speech, but it wasn’t the reason the 1st amendment was made, that was made so that people running for office couldn’t silent their opposition and the people could voice their criticisms without fear of retaliation from the government.

                  But whatever, fine, I’ll humour you.

                  If you want to uphold your version of free speech, then don’t give people like fascists (and terfs, which are just fascists with a fake mustache on at this point) a platform. They will actively work to dismantle that free speech, and thus are antithetical to it. No amount of trying to counter their arguments with facts and logic or appealing to their emotions will do anything in a public forum, history has shown that only private intervention has any chance of success at deradicalizing people on an individual basis. If you let the movement gain more visibility and legitimacy by entertaining their views on your platform, then you are helping them destroy free speech, full-stop. They are the true enemies of free society, and if you actually care about it you have to protect it from bad faith actors taking advantage of and manipulating it to erode the rights of others.

                  In a free society nobody is obligated to give anyone a platform or to entertain insanity. I work to uphold all civilization, not just western, by telling nazis to fuck off. You wouldn’t let a guy flinging his own shit around to get up on stage, and that’s the equivalent of what nazis are, except they actively spread propaganda and recruit other shit flingers, which is a lot easier to do up on a stage where everyone can see them flinging shit, and their shit can reach a lot more people. If you let them in, eventually all that will be left is a bunch of people flinging their shit around, and everyone else will have either left to avoid getting hit, or will have already been covered in it and are now suffering because of that. And it will all be because you wanted to defend to the death that guy’s right to throw shit at people.

                  And then in the end your “free speech” is nothing but a feces covered nightmare, and the mob of poop tossers moves on to the next stage, their numbers greater than ever. Congratulations.

      • Eigengrau@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        IIRC don’t think there’s even way to export data if you want to move instances either . Hope it all gets resolved sooner than later

        • Erikatharsis@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Indeed. It’s easy enough to back up your posts/threads/comments with “save page as” on each page of your profile, but you can’t automatically transfer your followers, following, subscriptions, or moderated in a migration. You’d have to ask to be re-added as a moderator, have to contact your followers individually, have to add your subscriptions and following one by one to your new account… Has anybody made any sort of third-party tool to make migration easier?

      • AshDene@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        I’m not expecting perfection, but there hasn’t even been visible commitment to a strong moderation policy. ernst has as far as I can tell remained mostly silent on the matter, occasionally deflecting to “tools aren’t ready yet”, but also not really committing to what he wants to be done with the tools.

        10A is a particularly prolific problematic user, and as a single user (unlike the flood of porn spam) it’s a simple matter to ban him. It should not have been a hard decision to make by now.

        Personally, a bit over a month ago, I defined banning 10A (as well as one other individual) as the canary that would let me consider recommending other people come here. I was willing to give it some time, but it hasn’t happened yet. Whether this is an explicit policy of weak moderation, or simply an accidental one thanks to putting it at too low a priority, I don’t know. But I don’t particularly want to be on a site that I don’t feel comfortable recommending other people use. So I’m taking my own (lack of) recommendation for now and going to take a long break from this site.

        • cacheson@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          EH and grad at least were defederated at some point after I signed up, so that does seem to indicate that Ernest doesn’t want those kinds of users/content on here.

          I don’t think your stance is wrong though, and you should do what you need to do. Kbin wasn’t ready for the influx of redditors, and we’re seeing the effects of that now. I’m still hopeful that things will get cleaned up eventually, but we’ll see.

    • BasicTraveler@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      BeeHaw looked promising up until a few days ago when this happened:


      and the response from the other admins was a lack luster too.


      Like how hard would it be to say that the admin’s behavior was unacceptable and it will be discussed internally. It seems clear to me (and most other posters there) that it was a one sided issue.

      I’m not really sure where is good. It was nice to see some non-admins speaking up about it, but seeing the other admins circling the wagons when one of them is clearly in the wrong makes me weary of doing any more than lurking. 10A wouldn’t last 5 minutes there, but you have to worry about being berated if you’re not as far left as the admins even if you’re respectful.